Sunday, May 6, 2012

Spiritual Water Of Love

Don't be confused by the title. We're talking spiritual waters here, not holy water in the religious sense. I have absolutely nothing against religion, for those that choose it, but this post is about connecting with divine love on a spiritual energy level.

As someone that was trapped in the darkness of addiction for more than 20 years, this song especially strikes a chord with me, as I often visualize love/light to be like water, in the sense that one of its main properties is to flow to and fill everything in its path. To me, these song lyrics represent a man that believes his water of love has run dry and he can't find it anywhere... he doesn't yet realize that his ego is his own little dam and if he'd just open the floodgates the water would flow through and fill him with love.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Thought Of The Day

I wonder how many lives and billions of dollars could be saved every year if treatment professionals adopted a spiritual approach to addiction recovery vs. throwing prescription drugs at the problem. Handing out prescriptions for addiction-related issues seems an awful lot like putting out a fire with a bucket of gasoline.